Name: Antonia King
名前:アントニア キング
Residence: Culver City
居住地:Culver City
How long have you lived in SoCal?: 35 years
Background: I am from St. Louis, Missouri. My family is from Sicily, Italy and Germany.
Age/gender of your children?:My kids are 10 (boy), 7 (boy) & 5 (girl).
Q:How did you deliver your children?
All C-sections.
Q:What is your philosophy of parenting?
We raise our kids with a mix of RIE philosophy and our own experiences/philosophies from our own childhood.
RIEポリシー ( と自分たちの子どものころの経験や信条を組み合わせて子育てをしています。
Q:At what ages did your children start going to pre-shool or daycare?
They started daycare between 3 months - 5 months.
Q:What is the most challenging thing in raising children?
Having three kids, we are outnumbered. Mostly, the schedules each child has is challenging, from sports to birthday parties to our careers.
Q:You changed your career after having three children and now you own a yoga studio. What encouraged you to make the change in life? How do you like your current work?
After working in the film industry for 20+ years, and having my three kids during my career, I wasn't spending enough time with them. So, I left my career and opened up my own business so I could be in control of my schedule and see my kids more. I love my business and wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
Q:How do you manage your time every day? What is your secret?
Being a producer in film, I learned a lot of life skills, including being very organizing and multitasking. That combined with breathing, and doing yoga is my secret.
Q:Where is your favorite place to go with your children in SoCal?
We love to go to Oceanside hotels and hanging out by the pool, swimming and playing in the sun.
Q:What do you like to do when you have free time?
I like to read, play board games with my kids and organize my house.
Q:What is your dream?
To travel a lot with my family, especially to Europe so they can experience the International culture. And to have Zooga Yoga all over the world!:)
家族と一緒に沢山が旅行したいです。特にヨーロッパへ行って、子ども達に文化を感じてもらいたいの。後、Zooga Yogaを世界中に広げたいですね!
ヨガスタジオを経営する前は、20年以上映画業界でプロデューサーとして活躍してきた彼女。そのキャリアを変えるきかっけになったのは「3人の子どもともっと一緒に時間を過ごしたい」という想いだったそう。そして、ベイビーから子ども、妊娠中の女性、親、家族を対象とした、ヨガスタジオをロサンゼルスで始めます。今の仕事が大好きで、世界中にZooga Yogaを広げたいと語る彼女。このヨガスタジオでは、マミーandミーのクラス、ダンス、音楽、ベイビー手話があったり、親のためのクラスでは、Pre-Post Natal, RIE parenting workshopsのクラスもあって、まさに子どもとママ、家族が集ってみんなが笑顔になる場所です。誕生日パーティーもここで出来るそうですよ。LAにお住まいの方は、是非チェックしてみて下さいね!Thank you so much for the interview, Antonia!