Name: Elizabeth
Residence: Orange County
Background: I was born in Central Coast California in San Luis Obispo County and spent my childhood and teen years in this area before moving to Northern California for college. Prior to attending a baccalaureate nursing program in Northern California I did a few different things such as waitressing, tutoring and teaching piano. I graduated nursing school in 2003 and have been blessed to be working as a registered nurse in Southern California since then.
経歴:San Luis Obispoで生まれて幼少期を過ごし、大学で北カリフォルニアに引越す。看護の学位を取る前に、ウエイトレスリング、家庭教師、ピアノを教えたりする。看護学校は2003年に卒業後は、南カリフォルニアで公認看護師として働く。
How long have you lived in SoCal?: 11 Years
Age/gender of your children: 2 years old (Boy)
Q: What has changed the most after you had a baby?
The amount that I sleep (less, of course!).
睡眠時間が変わったわ(もちろん、少なくなったのよ 笑)
Q: What is your parenting philosophy?
I don’t think I would say that I have any specific philosophy... I’m more of a “learn as you go” type of person and I know that each child is different and that things constantly change as a child grows, but there are a few things that I think remain important throughout a child’s life.
Above all, I think children should know that they are loved and fully accepted from their head to their toes and throughout all their emotions and stages. I believe that this will lay the foundation for confident, courageous, compassionate and loving individuals who believe in themselves and who are not afraid to follow their dreams.
I think it is also important to let children explore and be who they are, to help them discover and nurture their interests (not just impose our own interests on them), and to be excited for them and with them as they learn and grow.
I also feel it is essential that we listen to our children. Not just with our ears, but with our full attention. To look them in the eyes and to try not to interrupt when they are telling us something. Listening to them and being fully present with them will help them feel accepted, respected, important, and secure. And since children learn by example so well, they are much more likely to listen and be fully present with us and with others around them as well, which will serve them beautifully throughout their lives.
As parents, we all want to be positive role models for our children and I think that the most effective and powerful way to do this is by the example we set and the actions we take, not just by the words we speak. So I know that if I listen and pay attention and if I am kind, loving, compassionate, gentle and live my life with gratitude, they will be guided to express these same qualities. It takes a lot of awareness and effort to take a step back on a daily basis and really pay attention to the example we are setting and to try to see ourselves through our children’s eyes, but it is so worth it.
One thing I like to ask my son each night is what he is thankful for (he usually names friends or family members and almost always rice, haha). I do this because I think that no matter what happened during the day, if we can end the day with happy thoughts and what we are thankful for, then we can sleep in peace and rest in love for that is what our hearts and minds need in order to restore, replenish and to serve us well the next day.
I also remember a quote I once read which reinforces how powerful the impact is that we have on our children, even from a very young age. It goes something like this, “The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice”. I think there is a lot of truth to this.
Q: 子育てのポリシーは何ですか?
Q: Who is your role model as a mother and why?
I am incredibly fortunate to have so many amazing women in my family who have each taught me beautiful lessons in their own unique ways with words full of wisdom and hearts full of love. My father's mother- adventurous, strong, independent, fair, always planned ahead, had everything together and took such good care of her family. My mother's mother- graceful, gentle, loving, caring and a deeply spiritual woman. Just being near her with no words even spoken, one felt loved, at peace and worries would just melt away. My husband’s mother- she is so fun, beautiful in every way and hard working with endless love and generosity. How she loves my son and every member of her family is so beautiful- just thinking of her makes my heart smile. And, closest to my heart, my very own mother- she is one of the most positive, light-filled, love-filled, accepting, nonjudgmental and supportive persons I imagine exists on the planet. Her love is absolutely unconditional and she only wants the best for everyone around her. Her laughter, positivity and love spill out and make an impression wherever she goes. People are so drawn to her because of her open and warm heart. From her I learned to be kind, gentle, generous, to delight in and love the present moment, to be joyful, to not take myself so seriously, and all about the healing power of laughter. Such wonderful and admirable women whom I am so blessed to know and whom I love with all my heart!
Q: 母親としてのモデルは誰ですか?
Q: What are your challenges to raise a kid and how do you overcome the challenges?
My biggest challenge is raising a child with severe eczema and allergies (environmental and food). I have to be super vigilant about what he eats, where he goes, and even what he touches, and be able to completely trust whoever is watching him if I am away (that they are also able to keep a close eye on him and administer medication properly in case of any allergic reaction). Due to his allergies, it is also challenging finding a balance between letting him do certain activities (like go to the park, for example) which I know he would enjoy but where may be exposed to grass or something else that could cause a breakout. It takes a lot of detective work to find out what his triggers are, what he can tolerate and what we need to avoid in order to keep him comfortable, but keeping a log of activities, foods and any symptoms he may be experiencing helps.
Q: 子育てで一番大変なことは何ですか?その困難をどのように乗り越えましたか?
Q: What is the most challenging to be a working mother and how do you overcome the challenge?
Because I trust my child's caregivers, I feel okay leaving him when I go to work. The hard part is missing him while I am away and also being exhausted a lot of the time due to a lack of sleep secondary to my son's frequent itching episodes during the night. I'm doing my best to stay positive that his allergies and sleep will improve as he gets older.
Q: 働くママとして大変なことは何ですか?その困難をどのように乗り越えましたか?
Q: How do you manage your time everyday? (Any tips for pre-mama?)
Having a to do list where I can check off what needs to be done helps me keep things organized. Also prioritizing and taking care of basic needs first is a good way to start the day as everything else can be secondary. In addition, involving my child in activities that need to get done (like putting away clothes, for example), can help and also serve to keep him busy while I can work on other things. Even at his age, I find that he is more than willing to help and loves to copy what the adults do.
Q: どのように時間管理をしていますか?
Q: How do you and your husband divide all the tasks for your kid?
Our roles are pretty much interchangeable as my husband is willing to do and can do all the same things that I do for my son. So really, whoever is home at the time or whoever is not busy will take care of what needs to be done for him. My husband is also great at helping with all the household tasks.
Q: 旦那さんとどのように育児分担をしていますか?
Q: What are your favorite places to go with your kid in SoCal?
There are so many! I love SoCal! The beach is awesome, of course, no explanation needed! And Griffith Park, which has a wealth of fun things to do and explore such as Travel Town, pony rides, a carousel, the observatory, and the old abandoned zoo, is great too!
Q: 南カリフォルニアで子どもと行くお勧めの場所を教えて下さい。
沢山あるわ!説明する必要もないけど、ビーチはすばらしい。Griffith Parkは、Travel Town, ポニーライド、メリーゴーランド、天文台、古い動物園など、楽しいものが沢山あるのでいいところね。
Q: What is your dream?
My dream is for everyone in my family and really for everyone I know to be able to live a happy, healthy life and to be free to follow their hearts and do what brings them joy. This is the best I can wish for myself, my child and my loved ones.
Q: 今後の夢は何ですか?
笑顔で眩しくスピリチュアルなママ、エリザベス。彼女の子どもへの接し方は、私が見習いたいと思うママの一人なので、今回はインタビューに協力してもらえて本当に有り難かったです。<親の言葉が子どもの心の声になる>って本当だなと思います。耳だけでなく、カラダもココロも子どもに向けて、子どもの声を聞く。そして子どもに愛のある言葉をかける。それが子どもの心の安定に繋がり、将来自分らしく、周りの人達を愛して生きていくことになる。彼女のお母様も知っているのですが、本当に温かい方で、彼女がエリザベスの子育てに与えている影響は大きいんだろうなと感じます。きっと彼女はこの愛情を息子さんに引き継いでいくんだろうなと思います。Thank you so much for such an inspiring interview!