Name: Brooke Williamson
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
居住地:Los Angeles
How long have you lived in SoCal?: My whole life (36 years)
Career:She is a co-owner and co-chief of three popular restaurants (Hudson House in Redondo Beach, The Tripel and Playa Provisions in Playa Del Rey) and a culinary retail boutique called Tripli-Kit. She is also a finalist of "Top Chief”Season 10.
キャリア:3つのレストラン(Redondo BeachにあるHudson House、Playa Del ReyにあるThe Triple、Playa Provision)を旦那さんと共同オーナーシェフを務める。今年6月には、キッチン用品店Tripli-Kitをオープンする。TVシリーズ「Top Chief」Season 10に出場して準決勝を果たす。
Age/gender of your child: 7 year old boy
Q:What is your philosophy of parenting?
That's a big question... But to sum it up, I think my kid is easy going and flexible because that's how we are. We never stuck to schedules, because it wasn't practical with our work lifestyle... I believe you should do what's best for you in your own situation as a parent...
Q:What is the most challenging thing in raising a child, and how do you overcome it?
For me, it's been balancing my professional life with my parenting life... I've had to learn how to let go of the fact that I can't and won't be around for every soccer game, or school open house... That's the life and scenario I've chosen. However, I also know that I wouldn't be the parent I am if I didn't take advantage of specific opportunities, and in return my son wouldn't be able to live the life he does and have the opportunities that he has. It's give and take... I just make special efforts to be there for him when he makes a point of expressing that something is really important to him.
Q:You run three restaurants, are a TV celebrity and raise a child. How do you manage your time every day? What is your secret to being a "superwoman"?
I'm no superwoman! It's not always graceful, and I'm not always in a good mood. I'm constantly juggling, but I'm a person who thrives with a full plate.
Q:What do you like to do when you get some free time?
Sleep. Do laundry. Clean the house. And go for a run... I find that running clears my head.
Q:What is your child's favorite food that you cook?
He loves noodle soups and salmon teriyaki. I'm a big fan of one pot meals to lighten the dish load... He's a fan of anything with soy sauce.
Q:Can you tell us an easy recipe for healthy food that babies like?
I made all of my own baby food... I never used recipes, just generally walked around the farmers market looking for anything that looked fresh and yummy and could be steamed to make soft. I sometimes would blend veggies that didn't taste like a whole lot like spinach or potato and mixed them with other things like banana or carrots to sweeten them up a bit.
Q:Can you tell us an easy recipe for a vegetable dish that would make childre fall in love with vegetables?
From the time my son could eat solids I started giving him veggies... I just wanted that to be part of his routine diet. He loves cucumbers and lightly steamed broccoli with a touch of sweetened rice vinegar and soy... I put that in his lunch a couple of times a week. He also loves carrots roasted with a touch of real maple syrup and butter.
Q:Where is your favorite place to go with your child in SoCal?
We're an outdoorsy family... We love riding our bikes to the pier or just jumping in the water at the beach... Fortunately the restaurants are right next to the beach, so it's easy to mix business with pleasure.
Q:What is your dream?
I'm living it... I'm doing exactly what I always dreamed of doing, and have a beautiful supportive family at the same time... I couldn't ask for much more.
一児のママでありながら、レストラン経営者、シェフ、TV出演を始め沢山のメディアに取り上げられ、引っ張りだこ。最近は雑誌Playboyにも特集された、大注目を浴びる若手オーナーシェフの彼女。そんな彼女にインタビューをさせてもらう貴重な機会を頂けると分かった時は大興奮でした!「沢山のことをする中で自分の実力が発揮されるというの」という彼女の言葉は潔くてカッコいいなぁと思いました。人生は選択の連続。自分の選択が、子どもの人生に影響を与えることも多々。これは自分の決めた生き方だからと、今実現できていることに目を向けて感謝して生きた方がきっと楽しいと気づかされました。彼女の料理は組み合わせがユニークで、遊び心に溢れています。私は彼女の作る料理の大ファンです。特に一番新しいレストランでもあるPlaya Provisionは、カフェコーナーやアウトドアエリアもありキッズフレンドリーなので、後日特集をしたいと思います!Thank you so much for an inspring interview, Brooke!
★LALAMAMAでは、MAMA Talkのコーナーで毎週火曜日に南カリフォルニア在住の『スーパーママ』の一人一人にスポットライトを当てて、子育て/ライフスタイルを発信しています★