Name(名前): Mariko
Residence(居住地): Huntington Beach
Background: Japanese American (fourth generation)
Years in SoCal: My whole life
Age/gender of your children: (4) Boy, (2) Boy
Q: What is your parenting philosophy?
I want to do my best to show them unconditional love, to let them learn to become exceptional members of their community and know that they're leading a happy, healthy life.
Q: 子育てポリシーは?
Dressed up at Orange County Buddhist Church! オレンジカウンティーのお寺にて、正装した息子さん達。
Q: Who is your role model as a mother and why?
My sister and I were fortunate to have an amazing father who worked hard so our mother, who worked hard, could be with us all the time. While our father provided financially, our mother did almost everything for us at home. She cooked balanced meals, cleaned everything, signed us up for all of our activities and was our weekday taxi driver. Our dad drove on the weekends. They helped us with everything like schoolwork, how to deal with our peers, how to take care of ourselves and how to take care of others. Our mom was our chef, maid, chauffeur, teacher and therapist. Our dad taught us many things as well and always supported us in our biggest decisions even if he didn't agree at times. They taught us how to be kind to everyone and to love every living thing. They also provided fun activities for us and always encouraged my sister and I to invite our family and friends to join. That made it even more work for them but they did it all. Some of my best childhood memories are when we'd have our family or friends come over and my mom would let us cook and bake with her, and she'd wake up early to make us a breakfast fit for royalty. Our parents really instilled a big love for family and made sure we built wonderful relationships with our grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and other relatives. We have a large extended family and it was the best to see everyone on such a regular basis. As a child those were the best moments. My mom also babysat a girl that was between my sister and I in age. It was like she was raising three girls instead of two!
My mom and dad live very close to us and they both come over daily to help me with my boys. My parents live to help my sister and I. They are so selfless and tirelessly devoting themselves to us and we are the luckiest girls. My mom still cooks dinner for us every now and then. My mom and dad did everything in their power to make us happy and this is why they are my role models now as I learn what it is to be a mother and parent. I am forever grateful.
Q: 母としてのロールモデルは誰ですか?その理由は?
Family photo when she was a child is in El Centro, CA where her grandmother grew up on a farm. 祖母が生まれ育った カリフォルニア州El Centro市にて。ご両親と妹さんとの思い出の家族写真。
Q:What is the reason why you quit your work after 2nd baby? And how does the change impact your life now?
I quit work after my second son was seven months old and my first son was two and a half years old. My husband and I wanted at least one of us to be with them more often because we bought a home further from both of our offices creating a much longer commute for both of us. We were both gone from the boys all day and my mom was caring for both boys by herself after my maternity leave ended. I was pumping my milk three times while at work everyday. With our first son I was able to come home for lunch everyday to breastfeed him and I had no commute so I was home in 15 minutes. My husband had about an hour and a half more each day with the boys because his commute was much shorter. It just makes sense to sacrifice and live on a tighter budget but have more time with the boys at this young age.
It took me awhile to adjust from going to work and being away from the boys to now being with them all day, everyday. At first our plan was for me to study Real Estate and try to make that a career but I wasn't able to stop being a mom, chef and housekeeper, to be a student and study instead. My husband got a promotion and we decided that I could stop studying and focus on learning how to be a good stay at home mom and home manager (on a much tighter budget). It's gotten better and better over time and I feel more settled into my role now. I feel like my role in the family is more well defined and it helps me to understand what's expected of me and what I need to do in order to make the rest of the family happy. My husband is supportive in that he also encourages me to make some time for myself away from the boys once in awhile because when I don't I get frustrated even quicker than usual. I am grateful for all the time I do get to spend with my boys now. It's something I can't replace and I will be forever grateful to my husband for encouraging this change.
Q: 二人目のお子さんができてから仕事をやめたのはどうしてですか?その後どのような変化がありましたか?
Family photo in 2013. 2013年の家族写真。
Q: What is the most challenging thing to raise two boys and how do you overcome the challenge?
I'm not really the type to sugar coat things and although I love my sons more than anything, putting everything else on hold in order to give the utmost care for other humans (two years apart in age and pretty active) has been quite difficult in many ways (yes, even with help from my parents). In my first (almost) four years of being a mother/parent I've learned so much from them and it's been the most challenging, yet rewarding thing I've ever experienced.
With that being said, my biggest challenge right now is discipline and time management / multitasking. My husband and I decided not to use 'time-outs' any longer because they were causing more distress in a situation than help and it didn't seem to work after some time. We're now trying to give direct consequences to the action more often (for example having them clean up a mess or spill they made before moving forward) and also taking toys/privileges away for a period of time. All at the same time we are using every ounce of restraint possible to keep the anger at a lower level than it has been. This is the BIGGEST challenge for me, I guess. Keeping my anger from surfacing when they are driving me up the wall. I'm also not the best at multitasking so I am more focused on the boys and what I need to do for them in that moment. This usually means the house and cleaning get left behind in the dust (pun intended).
I don't know if these challenges are ever overcome but maybe with time things seem to move forward and I think as long as we keep reminding ourselves of the big picture instead of getting stuck in all the little details, we will be fine. I tell myself that our boys are healthy and happy (most of the time, haha). Therefore, we must be doing something right. Sometimes I have to stop myself and look at them and realize how lucky we are to have each other. I also think it's great when people tell the truth about their challenges / trials and tribulations because it helps others feel they are not alone and when people are feeling better about themselves they tend to do better in everything. So, thanks for creating this project, Yuki!
Q: 一番大変だったことは?その困難をどのように乗り越えましたか?
これらの困難がいつか乗り越えられるかは分からないけど、時間と共に前進してて、小さいことに囚われず長い眼で見ていれば、きっと大丈夫だと信じています。そして息子達は健康で幸せだと自分自身に言い聞かせています(ほとんどの時はね 笑)。だから、私達は何か正しいことをしているに違いないって思うんです。時に立ち止まって息子達を見て、どれだけ幸せなのかを改めて感じずにはいられないことがあります。こうやって困難や経験を正直に話すことで、他のママ達が自分も一人ではないんだって感じたり、自分をよく思うことができたら、全てのことを良く思えるようになると思うんです。だから、このプロジェクトを立ち上げてくれたことに感謝するわ!
March 2, 2015 Hail on Huntington Beach and Pier! Huntington Beachにひょうが積もった、2015年3月2日の記念写真。
Q: How do you manage your time everyday?
This is something I had to figure out because it was such an adjustment when I quit work and was at home with the boys everyday. I like to make lists and map things out / make charts so I found a template on someone's blog for her daily schedule and notes and I printed a bunch so that I could fill it out each night before bed for the next day's schedule. I'd take a picture of it and make it my wallpaper on my phone so I only had to click on the home button and I'd see it immediately for reference. I only did it for a few weeks and then I think I started to get the hang of our routine. I use the template sometimes when I feel there is a lot going on. Here is the link.
Q: 毎日どのように時間管理をしていますか?
Q: How do you and your husband divide all the tasks for your children?
On weekends when my husband isn't working we are basically 50/50. On weekdays when my husband works, I do a little more regarding childcare than he does but he is definitely pulling his load. I typically prepare and serve meals and I bathe them. We divide and conquer when putting them to sleep. We don't do too much dividing and conquering when going out of the house. We all go or the kids stay home and the other parent goes out.
Q: どのように旦那さんと役割分担をしていますか?
The boys love to go to beaches! ビーチで遊ぶのが大好きな息子さん達。
Q: What is your dream?
I think I'm living my dream right now. I can say things like we don't have as much stability financially as I'd like being that we are living off of one income now as opposed to two incomes a year and a half ago, and the boys are very young so we are more limited in picking up and going places. But this, I think is the best time right now. When the boys are growing and learning at such an amazing pace and we have this time together in our home we are creating. I have these moments where my heart feels it's deepening because of the joy these boys bring to my husband and I. I am so grateful for the family I have and hope to have in the years to come. Throughout my life I hope to always be surrounded by those who I love and who love me.
Q: 今後の夢は何ですか?