3月初旬に農林水産省が推進し、世界中に日本の健康的な食事を広めよう!という目的で、ロサンゼルス近郊で子供向けの『キャラおにぎり作りのワークショップ』が行われます。3月4日〜7日の4日間で4カ所で行われます。その一つは、ウエストハリウッドにあるチャイルドケアの付いたお洒落レストランAu Fudge。事前予約が必要な場所もありますので、下の詳細スケジュールをチェックして下さい。お米は新潟県の越後屋の美味しいコシヒカリを使うので、可愛いだけでなく美味しいおにぎりが楽しめます。ワークショップは全て無料。この機会に子ども達と一緒にパンダやクマのキャラおにぎりを作ってみませんか?
①Saturday, March 4th, 12:30PM - 2PM
Williams-Sonoma (Beverly Hills) 339 N. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Call the store to reserve your spot: (310) 274-9127 or Email to register contact@tablefor2.org
②Sunday, March 5th, 11AM - 2PM
Smorgasburg Los Angeles 785 Bay St., Los Angeles, CA 90021
No reservation necessary, stop by anytime between 11AM and 2PM
③Monday, March 6th, 6PM - 7:30PM
Rolling Hills Estate Library 701 Silver Spur Road, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Email to register mediaus@tablefor2.org
④Tuesday, March 7th, 4:30PM - 5:30PM
Au Fudge Restaurant 9010 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood, CA 90069
Register from here
Los Angeles, CA - Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries along with the non-profit organization, TABLE FOR TWO, will bring a series of rice ball character workshops to Southern California. The workshops will begin on March 4th at William Sonoma in Beverly Hills, and at Smorgasburg, Los Angeles on Sunday, March 5th, kicking off the series. All workshops are free of charge, and are open to children and their guardians and are meant to promote the healthy Japanese diet to people around the world.
The rice ball is a staple of the Japanese diet and can be found everywhere including stores and restaurants. This simple dish is the perfect lunch, thanks to its convenient design. Rice balls consist of cooked rice pushed together into the shape of a ball (also sometimes in the shape of a triangle, oval or square) and wrapped in nori seaweed, which makes it the perfect food to eat with your hands. While it seems simple, rice balls can be extremely versatile, as they can be made with any flavor or ingredients imaginable, and the ingredients are relatively inexpensive. Lately, making characters out of rice balls has become quite a popular thing to do. For this reason, the upcoming rice ball workshops will focus on how to make those adorable bears and pandas!
During the workshop, participants will learn what a rice ball is, how to make it, and then how to create characters with it. The hands-on classes are suitable for children age 6 or older, and their guardians are definitely encouraged to participate to support. As an added bonus, these delicious works of art will be made fro the highest quality of organic koshihikari rice from Niigata, Japan.